There is a beautiful new five star restaurant, B & B now open in Healdsburg by the name of Single Thread. (I haven't been yet but it's on the list)! Just a little over a year ago the Wall Street Journal wrote an article about Single Thread, "A First Look at Single Thread, Sonoma County's New Restaurant, Inn and Farm." In the article they showed a photograph from one of their lovely B & B rooms. In the room hanging over the bed just happens to be one of my paintings, "Forever". I actually did not know about the article until a friend messaged me the WSJ article saying that she thought the painting looked familiar and wasn't it mine? So yes, that's my painting!
Painting on loan to Single Threads for their WSJ story on Single Thread, courtesy Aerena Galleries. Aerena Galleries represents my work in Northern California wine country at the Healdsburg Gallery. If your headed that way stop by on your way to the wineries and take in some art!
B & B room at Single Thread Farms Healdsburg California, Painting "Forever" by Anastasia Faiella courtesy Aerena Galleries, Healdsburg